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O mapeamento da violência contra as Mulheres kaiowá e Guarani é uma demanda da Grande Assembléia de Mulheres Kuñangue Aty Guasu, sendo realizado por nós mulheres deste povo. Aqui viemos abordar a violência que ocorre em territórios indígenas contra a vida das Mulheres indígenas localizadas no Cone Sul do estado de Mato Grosso Do Sul, centro oeste do Brasil. Trabalho a passos de formiguinha, mas construído coletivamente trazendo o olhar, o grito, a voz dessas mulheres indígenas Guarani e Kaiowá. Para que isso fosse possível, foi construída uma equipe de mulheres indígenas de várias regiões do estado, que compõe o conselho da Kuñangue Aty Guasu para que fosse realizado os levantamentos em suas comunidades. 

Com a finalidade   de desenvolver este trabalho de mapeamento violência contra mulheres indígenas kaiowá e Guarani, entrevista e visitação in loco às terras indígenas, áreas de retomadas. Durante as coletas de informações,  ocorreram diversas violencia contra mulheres Guarani e kaiowá no cone sul, bem como tortura psicologica, violência fisica, preconceitos, humilhação, violência patrimonial, ameaças de mortes, assasinatos de lideres mulheres  promovidas pelos seus maridos, namorados, pelo equipe de capitão, pela policias, pelas instuicões públicas e pela universidade. 

The mapping of violence against Kaiowá and Guarani Women is a demand of the Great Assembly of Kuñangue Women Aty Guasu, being carried out by us women of this people. Here we come to address the violence that occurs in indigenous territories against the lives of indigenous women located in the Southern Cone of the state of Mato Grosso Do Sul, central west of Brazil. I work with small steps, but collectively built bringing the look, the cry, the voice of these indigenous Guarani and Kaiowá women. In order to make this possible, a team of indigenous women from various regions of the state was formed, which makes up the Kuñangue Aty Guasu council to carry out surveys in their communities.

In order to develop this work of mapping violence against indigenous Kaiowá and Guarani women, interview and on-site visitation to indigenous lands, areas of resumption. During the information collections, there were several instances of violence against Guarani and Kaiowá women in the southern cone, as well as psychological torture, physical violence, prejudice, humiliation, patrimonial violence, death threats, killings of women leaders promoted by their husbands, boyfriends, by the team captain, police, public institutions and the university.

The objective of this research is to register, give visibility and make suffering into a narrative, and socialize the many different types of violence suffered by Guarani and Kaiowá women in the current context. So that the demands of Guarani and Kaiowá indigenous women in Mato Grosso do Sul are heard and met. In order to continue the description of the violence practiced against Guarani and Kaiowa women in progress, we highlight that the mapping will continue after the completion of this first stage. It will continue to identify the systematization of types of physical and psychological / mental violence against women and the situation of families victims of violence in villages / Reserves and Indigenous Lands in conflict situations.

Our struggle unfortunately had to follow the Karai model, today we have to dialogue with the state through documents, we need to write in the Karai language. In this way, mapping and indexing a specific database of the struggles of women leaders through appropriate technology, will serve as a basis for carrying out support to the demands of women, and above all for making consistent reports of violence against indigenous women.

Throughout the end of 2019 and early 2020, on-site visitation took place, once a week, to the villages / reserves and to the reoccupied indigenous lands and in the process of litigation, Places where various types of violence against women occurred. In the retaken lands, the attacks on these families occurred, together with massacres, tortures and assassinations of the leaders promoted by the jagunços hired by the farmers.


In this way, the activities / first steps of the mapping were carried out, which is interested in understanding and recording the histories, struggles and conditions of women and women leaders, collecting personal data from the families suffered. Finally, to achieve the objective of raising violence against women, during the first half of 2020.

The survey team will carry out the second and third visits already scheduled (once a week) to the villages and Indigenous Lands in focus, in order to film, map and systematize the situation of women and families victims of violence in the villages / Reserves and in indigenous lands in conflict situations.

The scheduled activities of consultation and access to investigative processes in progress in Organs competent bodies, such as the State Public Prosecutor's Office, Federal and State and Federal Justice, aim to monitor and map the fulfillment of demands, indigenous complaints, as well as verify the stages in they find investigations into the crimes committed against indigenous women, especially in relation to the demands of their families.

During the on-site visitation to the indigenous lands in dispute, the female leaders were listened to, their demands were accepted and the most urgent complaints were prioritized and forwarded immediately to the competent government authorities and to the Federal Public Ministry so that the necessary measures could be taken urgently.

Finally, through this survey of the situation of women and families in indigenous areas, it was also suggested to hold a meeting or meeting of women victims of violence together with the leaders of Kunãngue Aty Guasu to debate the issues of concern and seek legal solutions together with the agencies competent so that the demands of Guarani and Kaiowá indigenous women are socialized, made visible, disseminated and finally implemented.

With this mapping we hope to obtain a detailed mapping of the conditions, struggles and just demands of women and families from Indigenous Lands that are registered, disseminated and presented to competent authorities. In view of the diverse demands of “invisible” indigenous women, municipal, state and federal public authorities are involved, in partnership with international human and indigenous rights bodies.

The reports and systematized data should generate a discussion, broad socialization and fruitful / constructive reflection on the progress and difficulties in the application and enforcement of the rights of Guarani and Kaiowá women.

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